15 Interesting Facts about Dwayne Johnson You probably didn’t know!

Interesting facts about Dwayne Johnson:

15. He Was Behind Bars Nine Times Before The Age Of 17 

Interesting facts about Dwayne Johnson: Dwayne Johnson had a difficult time of it experiencing childhood in Hawaii. At 14, his family was expelled from their little loft, and he went to wrongdoing to make some quick money. He was engaged with a robbery ring that focused top of the line places of interest. 

The agony of being ousted and seeing his mom in tears fuelled his longing to make a move any activity regardless of whether it wasn’t generally the correct move. Be that as it may, it was surely a developmental encounter for youthful Johnson. After that, he chose to take control of the primary way he could by improving his body. 

14. His High School Friends Thought He Was A Narc 

At the young age of 16, Dwayne Johnson was at that point so far into adolescence that he could quickly shake an old-school criminal look, total with a pencil-thin mustache directly over his lip. Also, the way that he was at that point, a dazzling 6’4 and weighed 215 pounds. 

The secondary school picture circled on twitter until Johnson himself saw it. Unexpectedly, it was the farthest thing from reality. At the time, Dwayne Johnson was putting his masculine looks to different uses, for example, chilling in jump bans and hustling autos from hapless people. 

13. He Has A Degree In Criminology 

Even though Dwayne Johnson had a couple of brushes with the law in his childhood, he very holds a degree in criminology. He earned the degree and simultaneously played school football for the Miami Hurricanes as a guarded lineman. 

In 1995, he moved on from Miami University with a Bachelor of General Studies in criminology and physiology. Johnson, while clearly in his very own alliance as a Hollywood entertainer, is a triple risk of sorts- – he has the ability, Moxy, and cerebrums. 

We, as a whole, realize that The Rock never got the opportunity to apply his degree to a vocation. Nonetheless, it’s enjoyable to think that he might’ve utilized a portion of that advanced education know-how to create his entertainingly hostile persona during his residency on WWF. 

12. He’s A Third Generation Wrestler 

Things being what they are, for the Johnson family, wrestling and superstardom are in their blood. His dad was Rocky “Soulman” Johnson, the first Rock. 

Also, Dwayne Johnson’s granddad Peter Maivia was an NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champ and left a mark on the world with his accomplice Tony Atlas in 1983 when they turned into the first African-American pair to win the World Tag-Team Championship. 

Be that as it may, it was Dwayne Johnson’s dad who ingrained in his multi-year old child a crazy and unfaltering hard-working attitude.

11. He Owns A Private Gym In A Dangerous Neighborhood 

In case you’re comfortable at all with The Rock, you realize that there’s most likely not someone else alive who’s to a higher degree a rec center addict than he is. You could probably reason that just by taking a gander at him. 

In a profile for GQ, it was uncovered that Dwayne Johnson claims a private exercise center arranged in what essayist Caity Weaver alludes to as “one of the most noticeably terrible top ten areas I have ever been.” 

The Rock demanded driving her himself to the area, as the city was so risky. The rec center is situated in a stockroom area in California. 

It’s very astounding considering the way that he could claim an exercise center anyplace on the planet. In any case, it bodes well on the off chance that you take a gander at it from a specific perspective: each Superman needs his Fortress of Solitude. 

10. He Was Paid 5.5 Million For His First Starring Role 

Interesting facts about Dwayne Johnson: The Rock directed such an in-your-face fanbase, that for his appearance in the 2001 experience motion picture The Mummy Returns, his first big-screen job he had enough capacity to parlay that altruism into a featuring career for the 2002 Mummy prequel turn off The Scorpion King, where he earned 5.5 million dollars. 

Contrasted with what he wins per flick today, it isn’t a lot. Be that as it may, it’s doubtlessly a weighty total. So compelling, truth be told, that despite everything he holds the Guinness World Record for most significant compensation check earned by an entertainer for their first featuring job. 

The Scorpion King was torn separated by pundits and isn’t recognized as even a fun trashy great today. Be that as it may, it was a critical venturing stone for The Rock to turn into the Hollywood whiz he is today. 

9. Holds The Record For Most Selfies Taken 

Not content with just being “the most energizing man in sports diversion” or the most generously compensated entertainer on the planet, Dwayne Johnson is the sort of overachiever who additionally holds the Guinness World Records for taking most selfies inside a time of 3 minutes. 

During this time, he took an astounding 105 selfies with energized fans at the honorary pathway debut of San Andreas. (Kim Kardashian, take that.) 

A Guinness World Records adjudicator was available at the debut. A few selfies were excluded, apparently because they were hazy and weren’t wholly distinguishable from the neck upward. 

In any case, 105 selfies within 3 minutes, particularly in the tumultuous and invigorating climate of an honorary pathway debut, is a gobsmacking accomplishment. It’s an astounding shoulder exercise if nothing else. 

8. The Rock Was A ‘Heel’ 

Rough Maivia, later to be just known as The Rock, had a not precisely excellent WWF debut in 1996. This was during a period of the Attitude Era when the terrible kid was praised in the ring. Youthful Rocky, without a doubt, had the moves. In any case, the character was deficient. It wasn’t some time before swarms were booing him regardless of the way that he was a “hero.” 

After several years, Rocky turned into The Rock, a presumptuous and reckless grappler – the man who everybody wanted to detest. “The People’s Champion” was what he at first called himself to threaten the group. 

7. He Eats Seven Meals A Day 

Interesting Facts about Dwayne Johnson: To keep up that superhuman body, The Rock devours a ten-pound pile of nourishment consistently – every day, he eats seven dinners. 

The dinners comprise what you’d anticipate: broccoli, eggs, fish, potatoes, rice, and an arrangement of different vegetables. The Rock is especially enamored with codfish, eating around 821 pounds of it for each year. 

In any case, this extraordinary eating routine isn’t only for fuelling his rigorous exercise routine, yet in addition to getting past motion picture shoots, press visits, and whatever else he should experience. He midpoints around 5000 calories per day- – twice what the normal man devours every day. 

Be that as it may, The Rock doesn’t hold back out on cheat day either. On one cheat day, The Rock posted his cheat feast: 21 nutty spread brownies, four twofold mixture pizzas, and twelve flapjacks. 

6. He Has Struggled With Depression 

Dwayne Johnson experienced a dark period when, at 23 years old, he was cut from the Canadian Football League group. He capitulated to misery, declining to leave his folks’ little loft. 

The Rock opened up about this time on a scene of Oprah’s Master Class. 

Surprisingly, he was later approached to rejoin the group. In any case, Johnson turned down the mentor, feeling in his gut that something different was not too far off. It was superstardom. 

5. His Role As Hobbs In Fast And Furious Was Originally Meant For Tommy Lee Jones 

It’s difficult to accept that the Fast and Furious establishment could be the establishment of familial love if The Rock weren’t thrown in Fast Five. However, that is actually what almost occurred. 

As indicated by Vin Diesel, a fan recommended acquainting The Rock with the establishment. Even though the job of FBI operator Luke Hobbs was initially composed for Tommy Lee Jones, Diesel concurred that The Rock could indeed carry something exceptional to the establishment – and he did. 

Its difficult to see hints of Tommy Lee Jones’ most well-known job as US Marshall Jones in The Fugitive in the content. Those follow are there underneath the entirety of the child oil, tattoos, and overstated, however adorable machismo. We can’t envision Tommy Lee Jones facilitating a picnic for the “family,” however. 

4. He Created The Word “Smackdown” 

One amazing word that the Mariam Webster added to their lexicon in 2007 was “smackdown.” This equitable so happens to be the word that The Rock acquainted with the world in 1997. To lay the smackdown on somebody is to beat them in any unique circumstance unequivocally. 

It was a word conceived of need. Smacking an adversary into the earth wouldn’t cover the seriousness of The Rock’s disciplines, both verbal and physical. Neither would “bringing them down” appear to be an adequate expression to pass on the magnificence of his specific image of butt-kicking. 

In any case, joining the two expressions to make a definitive “smackdown” pretty much covers it. 

The word would go onto end its very own existence, as it later turned into the name of a WWF/WWE show that publicized on Friday evenings. 

3. He Hosted Saturday Night Live in 2000 

In 2000, he was celebrated for being a WWF grappler. He was dubious in different territories of excitement, so this was a good bet concerning SNL. Be that as it may, it was such a compelling presentation that The Rock was asked back to have on various occasions. 

Undoubtedly, he holds the rarest of qualifications – he is the main competitor to be a piece of the Five-Timers Club. He’s following some great people’s example there with Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, and Paul Simon. 

Thinking back on his representations, especially Morning Latte, it’s plain to see traces of The Rock’s off-the-outlines charm that would proceed to serve him – and numerous motion picture establishments – well. 

2. He Introduced The X-Box With Bill Gates 

Interesting Facts about Dwayne Johnson: In mid-2001, The Rock presented the most up to date Microsoft gaming console, the X-Box, with Bill Gates. Recollect the main X-Box with its stout controller? The Rock gave it. 

It was an adorable piece. The two Gates and The Rock complement one another and make for a reliable pair – The Rock, reckless and alluring, Bill Gates, easygoing and geeky, additionally praise the ideals of the X-Box machine. 

Weaponizing his trademark mystique, The Rock says: “The X-Box is everything The Rock is: front line, incredible, thrilling. What’s more, similar to The Rock, it will be the most energizing thing turning out this year.” 

1. He Had A Cameo On Star Trek: Voyager

The year 2000 was definitive for The Rock’s profession. In addition to the fact that he hosted SNL, he additionally made an appearance in the Star Trek: Voyager scene “Tsunkatse” as The Champion, a gladiatorial contender. 

At the time, WWF Smackdown and Voyager both broadcast on UPN, so a hybrid of sorts appeared well and good. 

The Champion looks to some extent like The Rock – and not merely as far as his appearance. One of his completing moves is “The People’s Elbow,” and he frequently made a very Rock-like motion as “The People’s Eyebrow.” obviously, The Rock played out his very own tricks on the show. 

The scene drew 4.1 million watchers, which was a season-high. Everyone needed to smell what The Rock was cookin’, regardless of whether they be Star Trek fan or not.


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